Vaccine Coalitions


 Department of Health

 Vaccinate Alaska Coalition

 The Vaccinate Alaska Coalition, a group of private and public providers, community service organizations, and concerned citizens from around the state, seeks to protect the health of all Alaskans by decreasing vaccine-preventable disease through positive immunization promotion campaigns, support of local immunization coalitions, and increased private and public provider participation in immunization activities.

Vaccination Information/Exemptions and Support

Hoss LeFevere
Egegik, Alaska 99579
(907) 233-2238



 Department of Health



 VIAL – Arizona Chapter
Kimberly Medlin, director
4640 S Deer Trail Prescott AZ 86303  # 928-776-4012

 Department of Health



 Department of Health



California Immunization Coalition

The California Immunization Coalition is a non-profit, public-private partnership dedicated to achieving and maintaining full immunization protection for all Californians to promote health and prevent serious illness. The Coalition provides networking and partnership opportunities for you and your organization and offers access to greater expertise by calling on a wide range of organizations and individuals. The Coalition has the ability to leverage resources and can advocate for change at the state, regional and local levels.

Global Vaccine Awareness League
California-based vaccine support group.

V.I.A.L. – N. California Chapter   Dr. Don Grundmann, director
425 E. Merle Court
San Leandro, Calif. 94577 510-895-6789

Vaccination Information & Choice Network

C.A.N.D.I.D. (Citizens Awareness Network against Doctor Induced Diseases)
Sue Scheuer
PO Box 1364 Lakeside, CA 92040 (San Diego County) 619-665-2029

California Department of Health



 Department of Health

Children’s Immunization Coalition

The mission of the Colorado Children’s Immunization Coalition (CCIC) is to ensure Colorado children receive all recommended vaccines at appropriate ages, providing maximal protection from vaccine-preventable disease.




 Connecticut Vaccine Information Alliance (CTVIA)

CTVIA provides information about vaccines including laws, policies, and exemptions to Connecticut citizens. CTVIA neither discourages nor encourages vaccine use, but instead empowers people to understand their rights and make fully informed decisions. CTVIA is actively working to obtain and promote informed consent, protecting individual rights and responsibilities to make decisions regarding vaccines for children, adults and the elderly.

 Connecticut Department of Health



 Department of Health


District of Columbia

 Department of Health

K.N.O.W. Vaccines

Our mission is to promote public awareness of the fundamental issues concerning the vaccination controversy.  These issues concern the ethical as well as the scientific premises upon which mandated vaccine policy is predicated.

Central Florida Immunization Coalition

Who we are:  The Central Florida Immunization Coalition is a group of people representing health departments, physicians, hospitals, private healthcare providers, civic organizations, vaccine manufacturers, healthcare insurance companies, schools, parents, and other interested individuals and groups. Mission Statement: To improve the health of Central Floridians from birth through adulthood by promoting immunizations that prevent diseases.

Florida Department of Health


Georgia Department of Health


Hawaii Department of Health


Vaccination Liberation – Idaho Chapter

Vaccine Information and Liberation – South Idaho Chapter
P.O. Box 825  Heyburn, ID 83336  (208) 260-0747. (Angie Vasquez)

Vaccination Liberation — North Idaho Chapter
Ingri Cassel, President
PO Box 1444 Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816.
208-765-8421 email:

Vaccine Awareness Meetings (Boise)
ChiroStrategy Chiropractic   Dr. Rook Torres
5983 West State St  Suite C  Boise ID 83703
Call for the next Vaccine Awareness Meeting: 208-854-0899

V.O.I.C.E. — Vaccines: Offering Individuals Choice & Education
Lori Mogensen, Director
PO Box 5634 Twin Falls, ID 83303 email:
This organization seeks to decrease the number of permanently debilitating and lethal reactions to vaccines.

Department of Health


Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition (IVAC)

The Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition’s (IVAC) mission is to educate people on vaccines’ ingredients, contraindications, warnings, adverse reactions, studies, statistics, legality and personal testimony for informed vaccine choice.

The Prairie Collaborative for Immunization Safety

David M. Ayoub, M.D.
1248 South Grand Ave West, #5 Springfield, Illinois 62704
(217) 726-0814 or (217) 691-3298

Illinois Department of Public Health


Iowans for Informed Consent

We Believe: Every person has a right to know the full measure of risk involved for themselves or their child before a vaccine or other medical procedure is prescribed. We Believe: Every person/parent has a right to refuse vaccinations or other risky procedures based on this knowledge. We Believe: The Iowa State Congress and the US Congress have a responsibility to pass legislation allowing for “philosophical exemptions” to protect liberty and justice for all. We Believe: That those who wish to vaccinate should have access to the safest vaccines on the market, i.e., those without thimerisol (mercury). We Believe: That in the case of a national emergency, we should still retain our rights to “opt out” of unsafe and unproven vaccine mandates that would impugn our religious or philosophical rights. We base our beliefs on the liberties for which our forefathers fought, listed in the Bill of Rights.

Iowa Department of Health


Vaccination Liberation – IndianaJim O’Kelly, director
P.O. Box 78
Wheeler, Indiana 46393


Indiana Department of Health


Department of Health


Department of Health


Department of Health

Immunization Network

The primary objective of the Greater New Orleans Immunization Network is to protect all children from vaccine preventable diseases. This is accomplished by raising parental awareness on the importance of timely infant immunizations, by establishing a systematic method to locate and immunize children and by providing convenient access to immunization services.



Margaret Zappala Sanford, ME (207)459-8673 Email:

Department of Health


Maryland Coalition for Vaccine Choice

The MDCVC was created for Maryland residents that are concerned with the safety of vaccinations, support informed consent and strive for passing a philosophical exemption to vaccinations. Members are welcome to share resources and ideas on how to educate the public on vaccinations, promote informed consent and to support a bill for philosophical exemptions.

Maryland Department of Health


Massachusetts Citizens for Vaccination Choice 

Whether you’ve found us as expecting or new parents concerned about this complex and often heated topic, a more seasoned parent facing your child’s school admission, a college student surprised by unexpected requirements, or by some other path, we hope you find our web resources informative and empowering…

Massachusetts Department of Health


Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines

We don’t oppose vaccines – we oppose mandatory vaccines. While the distinction may sound subtle, it points to the core of our concern – that all citizens should have the right to make their own health care choices.  Michigan is one of only 17 states which continues to support the right of parents and individuals to make their own vaccination choices, though that right is under constant attack.

Department of Health


Citizens’ Council on Health Care (CCHC) 

Minnesota Vaccine Awareness

Vaccine Awareness Minnesota (VAMN) is a non-profit organization of concerned citizens who seek and distribute information about vaccines. Vaccine Awareness Minnesota promotes informed decision-making regarding vaccinations and Minnesotan’s right to conscientious objection.

Minnesota Department of Health


Mississippi Vaccine Information Center

Our main goal is to support informed consent and individualized preventative care for children. We are in cooperation with the National Vaccine Information Center and the National Autism Association.

Mississippi Department of Health


Missouri Citizen’s Coalition for Freedom in Healthcare

Fran Norton and Cindy Paris

P.O. Box 190138   St. Louis, MO 63119-0318  

(314) 968-8755

 Department of Health


Department of Health


Inoculation Discussion Group of Omaha

Carla Ann Mowry  Omaha, NE  (402) 455-6339

Department of Health


Immunization Coalition

Our mission is to promote health and prevent the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases in Nevada through community partnerships and education. Each regional coalition has a community board that addresses immunization issues at the local level through developing partnerships and organizing special projects, while supporting our statewide initiative of increasing our immunization rates.

Department of Health

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Libertarians against Compulsory Vaccinations

NH Coalition for Philosophical Exemption

New Hampshire Department of Health

New Jersey

New Jersey Alliance for Informed Choice in Vaccination (NJAICV)

The New Jersey Alliance for Informed Choice in Vaccination (NJ-AICV) is an advocacy group concerned with defending the freedom of all New Jersey citizens to make informed, voluntary, vaccination decisions. Our goal is to protect the right to informed consent through education and awareness.

New Jersey Coalition for Vaccine Choice (NJCVC)

The New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice (NJCVC) was established in February 2008 to unify individuals and organizations, including NJAICV and CHERUBS – two dedicated NJ vaccine awareness groups – to voice our urgent need for parental informed consent to vaccinations. Additionally, NJCVC strongly opposes the state’s newest childhood vaccine mandates.

New Jersey Department of Health

New Mexico

Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute

New Mexico Department of Health

New York

New Yorkers for Vaccination Information and Choice (NYVIC)

NYVIC is dedicated to providing information and support to families and individuals who are exploring alternatives in health and seeking to make informed choices with regard to the possible vaccination of their children. 

Coalition for Informed Choice (CFIC)

Gary Krasner, Director    Email   Phone/Fax: 718-479-2939

Our general aim is to assist people to become advocates against vaccination, and to promote all personal freedom of choice in decisions involving health. CFIC helps people organize locally with other like-minded people, and provides advice on the nuts and bolts of effective advocacy.  Since 1999, CFIC has tried to be the prime clearinghouse for all aspects involving resistance to vaccine mandates in NYS, through assisting individuals with the sometimes complex hurdles to obtain a religious waiver from the school vaccine requirements, and through formation of local and regional parent groups to lobby for CFIC’s legislation in Albany.

Long Island Vaccination Information Networking Group (L.I.V.I.N.G.)

Anne Attivissimo. President

P.O. Box 432 Centerport, NY 11721   # 516-757-2693

NYS Department of Health

North Carolina

Immunize North Carolina

Department of Health

North Dakota

Department of Health


Vaccine Ohio

Information and laws regarding vaccines in Ohio.

Department of Health


Health Freedom Action Network

Health Freedom Action Network members do not agree that compulsory vaccination laws are appropriate. We advocate a multi-model public health policy regarding infectious diseases and that public health departments should be in the business of disseminating information to help the public stay healthy regardless of what model of care they select.

Department of Health

Tulsa Area Immunization Coalition

Mission Statement: To act as a catalyst for achieving local, state, and national immunization goals.




Oregon -NVIC
Michael Framson
Medford, Oregon 541-772-6945

Department of Health

Pennsylvania Parents for Vaccine Awareness
Phone: (814) 796-4000

Woodlands Healing Research Center (Quakertown, PA)

Department of Health

Pennsylvania Immunization Education Program

Rhode Island

Department of Health

South Carolina

Department of Health

South Dakota

Department of Health


East Tennessee Vaccination Information Network
P O BOX 70984 Knoxville TN 37938
Director:  Kelley Reymond  1-865-670-1533
OR  Co-director:  Kelly Riggs  1-865-556-7345 cell
1-865-922-1420 fax

Tennessee Department of Health



Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE)
PROVE provides information on vaccines and the immunization policies and practices that affect the children and adults of Texas. Our mission is to prevent vaccine injury and death and to promote and protect the right of every person to make informed independent vaccination decisions for themselves and their families.

Department of Health


Utah Vaccine Awareness Coalition

Robin Goffe, Director  6337 Highland Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84121   #801-243-3526 or 801-273-0209

Department of Health

National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)

Barbara Loe Fisher and Kathy Williams 512 W. Maple Ave., #206 Vienna, VA 22180

(800)909-SHOT/ (703)938-DPT3 or

Department of Health


Department of Health


Concerned Parents for Vaccine Safety
12709 99th Ave Ct E Puyallup, WA 98373

Department of Health

West Virginia

West Virginians for Vaccine Exemption  

If you are interested in religious, medical, and parental freedom, please help us to obtain the same exemptions that 48 other states enjoy.

West Virginia Department of Health


Vaccination Liberation – Wisconsin Chapter
Sarah J. Keim    and   Dr. Renee Felver-Christensen, D.C., directors
P.O. Box 267  Wausau, Wisconsin 54402-0267  (715) 443-2727 or

Department of Health



Wyoming Vaccine Information Network

P.O. Box 615 Buffalo, WY 82834 Susan Pearce 307-655-2574   “Susan Pearce”  or Jacque Jones. (307) 684-2969

Department of Health

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