Antibodies Do NOT Produce Immunity


Antibodies do not produce immunity. 

The immune system consists of at least two parts which are the humoral and the cellular. When one is activated the other is suppressed. Because of this, the new approach has been to try and prevent suppression.


Dr. Rebecca Carly explains:

The mechanism by which the immune system is corrupted can best be realized when you understand that the two poles of the immune system (the cellular and humoral mechanisms) have a reciprocal relationship in that when the activity of one pole is increased, the other must decrease. Thus, when one is stimulated, the other is inhibited.  Since vaccines activate the B cells to secrete antibody, the cytotoxic (killer) T cells are subsequently suppressed.  (In fact, progressive vaccinia (following vaccination with smallpox) occurs in the presence of high titers of circulating antibody to the virus1 combined with suppressed cytotoxic T cells, leading to spreading of lesions all over the body).  This suppression of the cell mediated response is thus a key factor in the development of cancer and life threatening infections.  In fact, the “prevention” of a disease via vaccination is, in reality, an inability to expel organisms due to the suppression of the cell-mediated response.  Thus, rather than preventing disease, the disease is actually prevented from ever being resolved.  The organisms continue circulating through the body, adapting to the hostile environment by transforming into other organisms depending on acidity, toxicity and other changes to the internal terrain of the body as demonstrated by the works of Professor Antoine Béchamp.  He established this prior to the development of the “germ theory” of disease by Louis Pasteur.  Pasteur’s “germ theory” was a plagiarist’s attempt to reshape the truth from Béchamp into his own “original” premise – the beLIEf that germs are out to “attack” us, thereby causing dis-ease. Thus, treatment of infection with antibiotics as well as “prevention” of disease with vaccines are both just corrupted attempts at cutting off the branches of dis-ease, when the root of the cause is a toxic internal environment combined with nutritional deficiency.  However, since Pasteur’s germ theory was conducive to the profits of the burgeoning pharmaceutical cartels that only manage dis-ease, no mention of the work of Professor Béchamp is made in medical school curricula.

     To make matters worse than the suppression of cellular immunity which occurs when vaccines are injected, adjuvants (which are substances added to vaccines to enhance the antibody response) can actually lead to serious side effects themselves. Adjuvants include oil emulsions, mineral compounds (which may contain the toxic metal aluminum), bacterial products, liposomes (which allow delayed release of substances), and squalene.  The side effects of adjuvants themselves include hyperactivity of B cells leading to pathologic2 levels of antibody production,  as well as allergic reaction to the adjuvants themselves (as demonstrated in Gulf War I soldiers injected with vaccines containing the adjuvant squalene, to which antibodies were found in many soldiers). Note that the pathologically elevated hyperactivity of antibody production caused by adjuvants also results in a distraction from the other antigens that the immune system encounters “naturally”, which must be addressed to maintain health.




When a B lymphocyte encounters an antigen, it is stimulated to mature into a plasma cell, which then produces antibodies (also called immunoglobulins, or Ig). Antibodies protect the body by helping other immune cells ingest antigens, by inactivating toxic substances produced by bacteria, and by attacking bacteria and viruses directly. Antibodies also activate the complement system. Antibodies are essential for fighting off certain types of bacterial infections.

Each antibody molecule has two parts. One part varies; it is specialized to attach to a specific antigen. The other part is one of five structures, which determines the antibody’s class-IgG, IgM, IgD, IgE, or IgA. This part is the same within each class.

IgM: This class of antibody is produced when a particular antigen is encountered for the first time. The response triggered by the first encounter with an antigen is called the primary antibody response. Normally, IgM is present in the bloodstream but not in the tissues.

IgG: The most prevalent class of antibody, IgG is produced when a particular antigen is encountered again. This response is called the secondary antibody response. It is faster and results in more antibodies than the primary antibody response. IgG is present in the bloodstream and tissues. It is the only class of antibody that crosses the placenta from mother to fetus. The mother’s IgG protects the fetus and infant until the infant’s immune system can produce its own antibodies.

IgA: These antibodies help defend against the invasion of microorganisms through body surfaces lined with a mucous membrane, including those of the nose, eyes, lungs, and digestive tract. IgA is present in the bloodstream, in secretions produced by mucous membranes, and in breast milk.

IgE: These antibodies trigger immediate allergic reactions (see Allergic Reactions: Introduction). IgE binds to basophils (a type of white blood cell) in the bloodstream and mast cells in tissues. When basophils or mast cells with IgE bound to them encounter allergens (antigens that cause allergic reactions), they release substances that cause inflammation and damage surrounding tissues. Thus, IgE is the only class of antibody that often seems to do more harm than good. However, IgE may help defend against certain parasitic infections that are common in some developing countries.

IgD: Small amounts of these antibodies are present in the bloodstream. The function of IgD is not well understood.

An Introduction to Immunity


INNATE IMMUNITY = This can best be described as GENETIC IMMUNITY or that immunity an organism is BORN WITH. This type of immunity can be an immunity that applies to the vast majority of the members of a species (SPECIES IMMUNITY), or it can be an immunity that applies to only a certain subgroup within a species down to a few individuals within that species. For example, cattle suffer from the cowpox virus, but appear to have a SPECIES IMMUNITY to the closely related smallpox viruses, whereas smallpox is a deadly disease to humans , but cowpox is a mild localized skin infection. Humans are susceptible to the HIV virus, but most of our related primates are immune to HIV, but they suffer from HIV-like viruses to which we appear to be immune. Within a species there may exist SUBGROUPS that are STATISTICALLY immune or resistant to particular pathogens. For example, the Northern Europeans appears to be more resistant to tuberculosis than are most Africans, whereas Africans are naturally resistant to a variety of African diseases that readily kill the “whites”. Finally, because of the genetic variation within every species INDIVIDUALS are statistically more resistant to some diseases, and more susceptible to other diseases. Most of you know those within your own families that “rarely” get colds or the flu, while other family members catch one respiratory infection after another. While there are many factors (diet, stress etc.) that could explain these individual differences, one of them is that certain COMBINATIONS OF GENES render some more resistant to the common cold viruses, whereas others of us are very susceptible. This type of immunity has NOTHING TO DO WITH the type of specific immunity we are discussing in this section.

ACQUIRED IMMUNITY = This refers to immunity that one acquires in one of two ways, active or passive. These are subdivided into the following further categories:

a) ACTIVE NATURALLY ACQUIRED IMMUNITY = This occurs when individuals suffer from
    a natural infection of a pathogen and become immune to that pathogen upon recovery (e.g.
b) ACTIVE ARTIFICIALLY ACQUIRED IMMUNITY = This occurs when individuals are
    actively vaccinated with an antigen that confers immunity.

c) PASSIVE NATURALLY ACQUIRED IMMUNITY = This occurs when individuals receive
    antibodies from their mother by a natural process, such as in BREAST MILK or in-utero transfer of
    antibodies from mother to fetus. In mammals, mother’s milk is know to contain a large concentration
    of antibodies and other antiviral and antibacterial substance that protect the newborn infants. Further,
    the mother’s antibodies cross the placental barrier, particularly near the end of term. In both these
    circumstances the infant is only resistant to whatever the mother is resistant to.
d) PASSIVE ARTIFICIALLY ACQUIRED IMMUNITY = This occurs when individuals are
    injected with POOLED serum from immune individuals that contain antibodies against a large number
    of pathogens. In the case of humans, a fraction of blood serum, GAMMA GLOBULIN, that is
    highly enriched in antibodies is injected into individuals that have been exposed to certain pathogens.
    The GAMMA GLOBULIN is obtained from pooled sera from many individuals and thus contains a
    broad spectrum of antibodies.



PASSIVE acquired immunity is short lived as the antibodies eventually die off or are themselves removed from the body as foreign protein. Since the person receiving the passive dose DOES NOT PRODUCE their own antibodies, the immunity is TRANSIENT.

The ACTIVE forms of immunity are generally long lived, particularly in the case of recovery from a CLINICAL INFECTION. Sometimes this immunity it lifelong, but in other cases it is not. Vaccinations may induce long-lived immunity, but recent data indicate that vaccinations may not last as long as once was hoped. For example, there is a very effective vaccine against tetanus, but it lasts only a few years and every year hundreds of people who have been vaccinated against this bacterium die because they have not gotten their BOOSTER SHOTS (vaccinations given periodically to booster the immunity of previous vaccinations) every three to five years.


Vaccines and the immune response to vaccination

  • Live and live-attenuated vaccines Live vaccines contain either low doses or doses of mild forms of the disease organism. Live-attenuated vaccines contain living disease organisms that have been treated in some way to reduce their ability to cause disease while still causing an immune response. Both of these vaccines contain living organisms that are able to infect and multiply in the host and this enhances the strength and duration of the immune response.


  • Killed (or inactivated) vaccines Killed contain high doses of the killed disease organism. Killed vaccines generally result in a weaker and shorter immune response than live vaccines due to their inability to infect and multiply in the host.


  • Sub-unit vaccines These vaccines contain doses of purified antigens extracted from the disease organism.


  • Recombinant vaccines These vaccines are produced by incorporating the DNA for the antigens that stimulate a disease response to a disease organism into a vector (or carrier), such as a harmless virus, which is then used as a live vaccine.


  • DNA vaccines These vaccines contain purified DNA for the antigens that stimulate an immune response to a disease organism.


  • Conjugate vaccines These vaccines are used to elicit an immune response to an antigen that is normally able to evade detection by the immune system. They contain the antigen bound to a compound, such as a protein, to form a complex that is detectable by the immune system.


Antibody titers and immunity: Are they related?

Dr. Tedd Koren, D.C. stated, “Whenever we read vaccine papers, the MD researchers always assume that if there are high antibody levels after vaccination, then there is immunity (immunogencity). But are antibody levels and immunity the same? No! Antibody levels are not the same as IMMUNITY. The recent MUMPS vaccine fiasco in Switzerland has re-emphasized this point. Three mumps vaccines-Rubini, Jeryl-Lynn and Urabe (the one withdrawn because it caused encephalitis)- all produced excellent antibody levels but those vaccinated with the Rubini strain had the same attack rate as those not vaccinated at all, there were some who said that it actually caused outbreaks.” [Ref: Schegal M et al Comparative efficacy of three mumps vaccines during disease outbreak in Switzerland: cohort study. BMJ, 1999; 319:352-3.]

According to Trevor Gunn, B.Sc., “Many measles vaccine efficacy studies relate to their ability to stimulate an antibody response, (sero-conversion or sero-response). An antibody response does not necessarily equate to immunity….the level of antibody needed for effective immunity is different in each individual….immunity can be demonstrated in individuals with a low or no detectable levels of antibody. Similarly in other individuals with higher levels of antibody there may be no immunity. We therefore need to stay clear on the issue: How do we know if the vaccine is effective for a particular individual when we do not know what level of antibody production equals immunity?”

Dr. John March, a developer of animal vaccines, wrote, “Particularly for viral diseases, the ‘cellular’immune response is all important, and antibody levels and protection are totally unconnected.”

It is clear that immunity does not come from antibodies or even ‘memory cells’, although memory cells may play a small part in the much larger processes of protecting health. If a person is healthy, first time natural exposure to a virus does not necessarily result in disease. In fact, the majority of first time exposures result in no symptoms but do result in ‘antibodies’ which ‘prove the exposure’ but also prove that immunity was present before the exposure. Total body health is the only true immunity. The concept that immunity comes from ‘memory cells’ is none-the-less valuable in that it points out that booster shots are totally unnecessary. Knowing that total health equals immunity is a basic key to understanding that vaccinations are unnecessary and ineffective.


Titers: What do they tell us?

A “titer” is a measurement of how much antibody to a certain virus (or other antigen) is circulating in the blood at that moment. Titers are usually expressed in a ratio, which is how many times they could dilute the blood until they couldn’t find antibodies anymore. So let’s say they could dilute it two times only and then they didn’t find anymore, that would be a titer of 1:2. If they could dilute it a thousand times before they couldn’t find any antibody, then that would be a titer of 1:1000.

A titer test does not and cannot measure immunity, because immunity to specific viruses is reliant not on antibodies, but on memory cells, which we have no way to measure. Memory cells are what prompt the immune system to create antibodies and dispatch them to an infection caused by the virus it “remembers.” Memory cells don’t need “reminders” in the form of re-vaccination to keep producing antibodies.

Vaccine Titer Table

This just doesn’t apply to humans but pets as well.

Herd Immunity Illusion II

Points to Ponder:


If you believe an unvaccinated child is a danger to yours, then so are your parents, grandparents, older aunts and uncles and society in general. Why? Because what is being vaccinated  for now, wasn’t then, so they are not part of the ‘herd immunity’ either. Besides, the chances that they get boosters are low, and even if they did, how do they know they are really ’protected’, as not all vaccines will produce immunity in all people.


If you believe vaccines work to protect yours, then your vaccinated children in reality are a larger risk to them.  How? All of the live virus vaccines shed. Meaning if your child receives the MMR vaccine, and individuals who has never had Measles, Mumps or Rubella interacts with your child, they can get ‘catch’ one or all of the components in the vaccine as vaccine-induced vs. the wild strain. (Vaccine-induced and wild strains can look different on the body, such as chicken-pox, and it’s a tell-tale sign which a child has on examination). 


A vaccinated child will also have to get boosters for life for a small percentage or chance that they will never get the actual disease or only a ‘mild’ case. An unvaccinated child can get the disease naturally and have 100% immunity, in most cases, for life and be done with it. 


Viruses are smarter than we are. They mutate and become resistant. What we’re currently vaccinating for may not even be what is out there and what we’re being exposed to. 


Not all countries vaccinate for the same things, or in the same dosages. Not all USA states require the same number of doses for school entry either. If herd immunity was real, wouldn’t the whole world vaccinate in unison? Wouldn’t US states be in unison?


The epidemiological implications due to vaccinations coming soon…


Herd Immunity-An Illusion

     Think about this:  If 80% of people are vaccinated, and 75% have immunity for only 5-8 years from one or more vaccines, what happens in the consequent years? Now, let’s say they get boosters after 7 years and then have immunity for a total of 14 years. What about the remaining 70 some years?

When did you get your Hepatitis B vaccine or an MMR vaccine? If it has not been in the last within the last 5-7 years, you are not a part of ‘herd immunity’. At least 90% of the population would have to be current on their vaccinations at all times. That is something that will and never has been, at any time, anywhere.


     The theory touted is that “herd immunity” would provide a barrier, and stop infection to unvaccinated children. It has never worked that way. Examples:


·        In the early trials of diphtheria vaccine- they found that people could have no immunity aka the Schick test, carry diphtheria, and yet not get clinical diphtheria. It was also found that people could have immunity to diphtheria, carry diphtheria and still get diphtheria.


·        People carry what are called “commensal bacteria” in their noses and throats. If they did a swab of a whole hospital staff, all of them would carry a variety of pathogens including some or all of the following bacteria: MRSA, haemophilus, pneumococcus, strep, diphtheroids, and whatever they specifically culture for.


You may not get disease yourself, but you can pass it on. All of us carry different strains of Neisseria meningitides several times a year, yet have immunity.


      This is how they get you to believe the illusion.  If there was a clinical case of Meningitis C in your hospital, everyone will be offered antibiotics and the Men C vaccine on the basis that you haven’t had the disease, therefore you aren’t immune. But are you really not immune? You may have gotten immunity to at least 24 other types of meningitis by carrying, processing, and having no symptoms etc, that you might very well be immune to this one as well. So why don’t they test for it, instead of assuming you aren’t and just jabbing needles into you?


     This very well applies to more than Chickenpox:

Most Children With a Negative or Unknown Varicella History Are Immune.

      Contrary to widely held beliefs, most 10-year-old children with negative or unknown chickenpox histories are actually immune to varicella, according to a report by Canadian investigators.

Dr. Bernard Duval, from Laval University in Quebec, and colleagues assessed the age-specific incidence of varicella among 2227 fourth grade students. A subset of children with negative or unknown chickenpox histories were tested for anti-varicella antibodies.

The study was performed to determine the proportion of children that would need to be vaccinated in a catch-up program, the researchers state in the NOVEMBER issue of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.

The reported cumulative incidence of chickenpox at 10 years of age was 92% the authors note. Furthermore, about half of the children developed chickenpox before entering kindergarten.

Of the childen with negative or unknown varicella histories 63% had antibodies against the virus. Children with an unknown history were significantly more likely than those with a negative history to harbor anti-varicella antibodies (p = 0.002). In addition, children whose history was obtained by self-administered questionnaire rather than by a study nurse were more likely to demonstrate such antibodies (p = 0.023).

If vaccination was based on the absence of a positive history of varicella, 8.4% of 10-year old children would require vaccination, the researchers note. However, the current findings indicate that nearly two thirds of children without a positive history are actually immune.Prevaccination testing could identify children who are immune, but such testing could be difficult to implement and might reduce vaccine coverage. Follow-up telephone interview with parents who report negative or unknown histories for their children may help identify children who are actually immune. 


You may not have had chickenpox clinically, but that does not mean you are not immune! Just by being exposed to a disease does not mean you will ‘catch it’ either.


Human Genome Research and Society. Proceedings of the Second International Bioethics Seminar in Fukui, 20-21 March, 1992. Editors: Norio Fujiki, M.D. & Darryl R.J. Macer, Ph.D. pp. 205-210

In most infections only a rare individual becomes ill or suffers rare complications, and that individual may be genetically predetermined, it usually is. For example, HTLV-1 infects 1-2 million Japanese, but only one in over a thousand gets adult advanced T cell leukemia after 40 years, and fortunately only about one in a thousand gets HAM, HTLV-1 associated myolopophy. Those unfortunate rare individuals are the problem, not the problem of the innocuous, or carriers, the other one thousand who die without ever knowing that they had it, and having no ill effect. The same can be said for poliomyelitis, where it takes 1,000 infected cases in order to induce a paralysis, the others don’t know they were infected.

      With polio, before the vaccine, they did serological surveys and found that 98.2% of people carried antibodies. Why didn’t that create herd immunity all the time? Why wasn’t that immunity a barrier? This is precisely why we have polio cases in Africa. Many have been vaccinated over 30 times. Even so, they can still pick up, and pass on, polio virus. The reason they keep doing OPV campaigns is to try and interrupt transmission by people passing it on. If the polio vaccine created a barrier called herd immunity then they wouldn’t have to do serial vaccination campaigns in Africa, because once immune, you were part of the barrier, right? Wrong, because it doesn’t work that way.


     In the USA before the vaccine, 98.2% of the population were immune. So why did they vaccinate everyone? To scare you and make you think that if you did not have the clinical disease you must be susceptible.


     The medical profession relies on the fact that most people don’t understand that what they see as clean skin, or a healthy throat, is a walking laboratory carrying and passing on, all kinds of pathogens. It’s the wonder of the immune system that most of us process these things and never know they were there, let alone that we processed them. Even though you have antibodies to all these bacteria and viruses, you can still carry them. That is how your body boosts your natural immunity. And you can still pass them on, just as you had them passed on to you in the first place.


     Let’s take a look at chickenpox. You catch it and you get it. Just because you have it now, does that mean you won’t carry it again? No. The increase in Shingles is because chickenpox isn’t going around as much since we have taken it out of natural circulation, by suppressing the disease, and therefore people aren’t getting carriage, which would remind the immune system to keep on its toes. Or perhaps because the virus that is being shed is mainly vaccine virus, which the body doesn’t quite recognize the same way as the original virus. No one has done the research to see if this is the case. This is why they are bringing out a Shingles vaccine, which by the way, is 14 times more potent than a chickenpox vaccine. The primary reason that people don’t get shingles normally, is that they regularly come in contact with, carry, and possible pass it on to others, just as they got it in the first place.


      This same principle applies to all bacteria and all viruses. No matter whether you have had, or have not had clinical disease; you will pick up, process and pass on to others whatever viruses you come in contact with.


     Diphtheria is a disease caused by bacteria and we all carry the bacteria since it is ubiquitous.  If they swabbed and cultured everyone in a community with a specific culture to diphtheroid, we would all come up positive. That’s why they stopped doing it. See blog on Diphtheria for more information.


     Who are the primary spreaders of whooping cough? They are the people who are vaccinated, naturally immune, or not immune, who just pass it along. What would happen if they told everyone that the herd immunity, antibodies creates a barrier against spread, is not working out in practice?


     It was thought in the beginning that immunity would mean barrier, on the basis that one attack meant life long immunity, therefore immunity would mean being incapable of passing anything on. Further down the line they discovered that wasn’t true. What were they supposed to do then? Admit they’d been fooled by their own assumptions, screwed up, and tell the truth?


      Immunity long term was and is dependant upon regular exposure naturally. Plain and simple, with the exception of tetanus, because the principle doesn’t apply since its not infectious, and therefore herd immunity isn’t even relevant. The medical establishment won’t be honest and come out and say it, because it would remove the emotional blackmail message that everyone who hasn’t had the disease should have the vaccine.


     Polio case in Minnesota? The oral polio viruses had circulated at least 2 years before the isolates were picked up in unimmunized children who never had clinical illness.  Who had circulated the polio viruses? The vaccinated. How did herd immunity help the unvaccinated Amish children? It didn’t. They didn’t get the disease so right there you have proof that the theory of “herd immunity” is a lie.


     Then they will then say that vaccines reduce the spread of viruses, as in the example above of chickenpox. That is a hypothesis. Vaccination hasn’t stopped the spread of meningitis, pertussis or diphtheria. Vaccination against HIB has stopped the spread of capsular Hib,but not non-capsular, or other strains of Hib. The hole that was made by the removal of Hib was immediately filled when Pneumococcus which stepped in and took its place. So the other thing that ‘herd immunity’ can do is cause holes, which are then filled in by yet another pathogen, which preys on the same immunological “breaches in defenses” that the previous pathogen preyed on. Death rates due to infections have not dropped. Something else just takes its place.


 Stay tuned for more on the Herd Immunity Illusion…